87 min; user rating - 7,2 of 10 star; 2017; country - USA; rating - 6158 Vote; Writed by - Mark Dennis
♢⁕ ♡✧⍟▼❋↡✪↓✷⊛❃★✻∞✲✭✷❉
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Time trap explained.
Time~Trap~What's no`sing`up`Time`Trap…` I recommend the site Time. TIME TRAP Online Watch Online….
Time trap movie 2017.
Time trap 2.
Time trap film.
It didn't feel like a total waste of time, but the writing is so so so bad. The actors did the best they could with what they had to work with. Give it a chance just dont expect dialogue above a six grade level.
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Time trappe. Reviews time trap. Time trap (2017. The general premise is there for a well thought out story and script, but this is just painful to watch. My boyfriend put it on because the trailer looked good (guy who edited that gem from this trash deserves an oscar) whilst I very quickly lost interest and busier myself with some pattern cutting instead. As I was still mostly in the room I was privy to the movies awful dialogue, acting and storyline without having to pay much attention, but holy baws I couldn't get over how unrealistic the characters reactions to their surroundings were. One sees a massive sandstorm not too far in the distance, can't breath properly due to the air and a MASSIVE triangular ship in the sky and doesn't even remotely have a reaction to it's implications. Total shambles. Don't waste your time unless you like shouting at the telly.
Time trapani. Time trappes.
Time trap movie wikipedia.
Time trap yts. Time trap movie review. Time trap preview. I don't get people giving this a 1 rating, seriously? Sure, the movie could have been done better, some parts could be polished and improved with better acting, but throughout the movie I felt it was entertaining and a good Sci-fi story.
Time trap rating. Time trap wiki. Time trap. Time trap movie cast. Time trap review. Time trap sequel. Netflix time trap. Time trap movie sequel. Time trap online. Time trap reviews.